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About Arts for All

Dancers on an orange and red lit stage.


Arts for All is a campuswide initiative and one of the Five Bold Actions announced by Dr. Darryll J.

October 14, 2022

Arts Amplification Symposium

In the spring of 2022, President Pines’ campuswide arts initiative issued its first call for faculty-led collaborative arts research and teaching projects.

View Event Details for Arts Amplification Symposium

Art on Buses

Art Moves

A core tenet of the Arts for All initiative is that the creative process belongs to everyone—it really is for ALL. While museums and concert halls, dance studios and theaters are vital to artistic work, we do not want our creative endeavors to be hidden from view or accessible only to a few. In addition to having our arts be for ALL we want our arts to be EVERYWHERE. Whether this is the incredible Video in The Atrium project in the Parren J.

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