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John Holiday.

Livestream Gallery

Watch recordings of our past events.

The Power of Music: A Community Conversation | April 10, 2024
Arts for All, the College of Arts and Humanities (ARHU) and the School of Public Policy hosted a community conversation to bring us together through music and reveal our common ground on April 10, 2024. We explored how different cultures and identities approach difficult moments through music. Moderated by ARHU Dean Stephanie Shonekan, the conversation featured live performances and poetry readings by members of the University of Maryland and guests from the Jerusalem Youth Chorus.

Music and Community In Response to War | November 6, 2023
Arts for All at the University of Maryland, along with the School of Music and The Clarice, presented a free concert on November 6, 2023 in response to the ongoing violence in the Middle East. It was organized to provide space for reflection, mourning the lives of innocent people lost to violence and a way to support each other in community.
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