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Arts Courses (Fall 2024)

The University of Maryland invites students from all majors to engage with the arts in their curriculum. This list of courses is not exhaustive, but provides a starting point for all students to participate in arts-related courses at Maryland. If you are interested in learning more about opportunities to infuse the arts into your curriculum, browse the following list of classes offered this fall and register through Testudo

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Fall 2024

African American Studies (AASP)

Course ID Number Course Name Cross-listed with (if applicable) Credit Only Grants for (if Applicable)
AASP202 Black Culture in the United States
AASP298L African-American Literature and Culture ENGL234 ENGL234 or AASP298L
AASP478E Humanities Topics in African American Studies; Black Digitalities ENGL438B ENGL438B or AASP478E

Asian American Studies (AAST)

Course ID Number Course Name Cross-listed with (if applicable) Credit Only Grants for (if Applicable)
AAST351 Asian Americans and Media AAST351, AAST398M or AAST398N
AAST355 Asian Americans in Film AMST328W AAST355, AAST398L or AMST328W
AAST422 Asian American Women and Gender AAST498G or AAST422
AAST440 South Asian American Literature and Culture AAST440 or AAST498W
AAST498T Advanced Topics in Asian American Studies; Fresh Pages: Asian American Creative Voices Workshop

American Studies (AMST)

Course ID Number Course Name Cross-listed with (if applicable) Credit Only Grants for (if Applicable)
AMST203 Popular Culture in America
AMST204 Film and American Culture Studies
AMST298Q U.S. Latinx Literature and Culture ENGL235 ENGL235 or AMST298Q
AMST320 (Dis)ability in American Film AMST320 or AMST328X
AMST328W Asian Americans in Film AAST355 AAST355, AAST398L or AMST328W
AMST498C Special Topics in American Studies; Central Americans and the United States: Culture, Politics, and Community USLT450 AMST498C, USLT450, or USLT498D

Architecture (ARCH)

Course ID Number Course Name Cross-listed with (if applicable) Credit Only Grants for (if Applicable)
ARCH170 Design Thinking and Architecture
ARCH226 History of World Architecture II
ARCH270 Design in Practice
ARCH271 People, Planet, and Profit: Building Sustainable Places RDEV250 ARCH271 or RDEV250

Arts and Humanities (ARHU)

Course ID Number Course Name Cross-listed with (if applicable) Credit Only Grants for (if Applicable)
ARHU240 Cultural Institutions of the United States TDPS258C ARHU240 or TDPS258C
ARHU275 Scriptwriting for Theater, Film, and Television ENGL275 ENGL275
ARHU299M Studies in Humanities Technology; Machine Learning in Language and Art COMM298M and ENGL289G ARHU299M, COMM298M, or ENGL289G
ARHU340 Financial Entrepreneurship for Arts Leaders MUSC448E ARHU340 or MUSC448E

Art History & Archaeology (ARTH)

Course ID Number Course Name Cross-listed with (if applicable) Credit Only Grants for (if applicable)
ARTH200 Art and Society in Ancient and Medieval Europe and the Mediterranean
ARTH201 Art and Society in the West from the Renaissance to the Present
ARTH230 Symbolic Images: The Theory and Practice of Iconography in European Art, 1400-1850
ARTH255 Art and Society in the Modern American World
ARTH261 Monuments, Monumentality, and the Art of Memorial
ARTH262 Public Art
ARTH301 Aegean Art and Archaeology
ARTH324 Leonardo's World: Art and Experience in Renaissance Italy
ARTH335 Seventeenth-Century Art in the Netherlands
ARTH359M Film as Art; The Western and the Vision of the West
ARTH362 Presently Black: Contemporary African American Art
ARTH383 Art of Japan after 1500
ARTH389I Special Topics in Art History and Archaeology; Social and Socialist Realisms: Art, Revolution, and Solidarity in the Global Cold War
ARTH389M Special Topics in Art History and Archaeology; Afrofuturism
ARTH392 Contemporary Chinese Art and Film FILM329L ARTH392 or FILM329L
ARTH488I Colloquium in Art History; Living in the shadow of Vesuvius
ARTH488J Colloquium in Art History; Japanese Art in the 20th Century: Empire,War & Occupation
ARTH488Z Colloquium in Art History; Great Chinese Film Directors: Ang Lee to Zhang Yimou

Art Studio (ARTT)

Course ID Number Course Name Cross-listed with (if applicable) Credit Only Grants for (if Applicable)
ARTT100 Two-Dimensional Design Fundamentals
ARTT150 Introduction to Art Theory
ARTT210 Elements of Drawing II
ARTT255 Introduction to Digital Art and Design Processes

Chinese (CHIN)

Course ID Number Course Name Cross-listed with (if applicable) Credit Only Grants for (if Applicable)
CHIN315 Modern Chinese Literature in Translation
CHIN418V Special Topics in Contemporary Chinese Fiction and Film; Chinese Machines, Global Media CINE429V CHIN418V or CINE429V

Cinema and Media Studies (CINE)

Course ID Number Course Name Cross-listed with (if applicable) Credit Only Grants for (if Applicable)
CINE245 Film Form and Culture ENGL245 ENGL245, CINE245 or FILM245
CINE280 Film Art in a Global Society CMLT280 CINE280, FILM298D or CMLT280
CINE283 Iranian Cinema PERS283 PERS283, CINE283 or FILM298B
CINE298A Special Topics in International Film Studies; Masterpieces in French and Francophone Cinemas FREN243 CINE298A or FREN243
CINE319C Special Topics in Documentary, Animation, Experimental Cinema, and Other Visual Media; Images of Revolt: Strike, Riot, Uprising
CINE329A Special Topics in National/International Cinemas; Transnational Neorealism HIST328J HIST328J or CINE329A
CINE329T Special Topics in National/International Cinemas; Sports in Film
CINE329T Special Topics in National/International Cinemas; Sports in Film
CINE334 Soviet Film: Propaganda, Myth, Modernism RUSS334 RUSS334, CINE334, or FILM334
CINE337 Contemporary Chinese Art and Film ARTH392 ARTH392, FILM329L or CINE337
CINE359C Special Topics in Genres/Auteurs/Cinema Movements; Disaster Cinema
CINE369V Special Topics in Film Theories; Authoritarianism in Cinema & Literature
CINE429N Special Topics in National/International Cinemas; New German Cinema GERS458C and GERS689N CINE429N, GERS458C, or GERS689N
CINE429V Special Topics in National/International Cinemas; Chinese Machines, Global Media CHIN418V CHIN418V or CINE429V
CINE441 Italian Cinema I: Neorealism ITAL436 CINE441, FILM441 or ITAL436
CINE459Y Special Topics in Genres/Auteurs/Cinema Movements; Great Chinese Film Directors: Ang Lee to Zhang Yimou CINE459Y ARTH488Z or CINE459Y
CINE469A Special Topics in Film Theories II; Experimental and Avant-Garde Cinema

Classics (CLAS)

Course ID Number Course Name Cross-listed with (if applicable) Credit Only Grants for (if applicable)
CLAS190 Discovering the World of Ancient Rome HIST219T CLAS190 or HIST219T
CLAS375 Ancient Comedy

Comparative Literature (CMLT)

Course ID Number Course Name Cross-listed with (if applicable) Credit Only Grants for (if applicable)
CMLT235 Black Diaspora Literature and Culture
CMLT242 Diversify and Multiply: Jewish Culture and the Production of an Identity JWST272 JWST272, CMLT242, or ISRL249G
CMLT280 Film Art in a Global Society CINE280 CINE280, FILM298D or CMLT280
CMLT399E The Great Derangement: Climate, Art, and Literature GERS367 GERM399E, CMLT399E, or GERS367

Communication (COMM)

Course ID Number Course Name Cross-listed with (if applicable) Credit Only Grants for (if applicable)
COMM298M Selected Topics in Communication; Machine Learning in Language and Art ARHU299M and ENGL289G ARHU299M, COMM298M, or ENGL289G

Dance (DANC)

Course ID Number Course Name Cross-listed with (if applicable) Credit Only Grants for (if applicable)
DANC128 Fundamentals of Ballet
DANC138J Global Dance Forms; Afro Jazz
DANC138L Global Dance Forms; Latin Dance
DANC138P Global Dance Forms; Hip Hop
DANC148 Fundamentals of Modern Dance
DANC158 Fundamentals of Jazz
DANC200 Introduction to Dance
DANC418 Contemporary Modern

English (ENGL)

Course ID Number Course Name Cross-listed with (if applicable) Credit Only Grants for (if applicable)
ENGL120 Acting Human: Shakespeare and the Drama of Identity
ENGL126 Why Fiction Matters
ENGL222 American Literature(s)
ENGL234 African-American Literature and Culture AASP298L ENGL234 or AASP298L
ENGL235 U.S. Latinx Literature and Culture AMST298Q ENGL235 or AMST298Q
ENGL243 What is Poetry?
ENGL244 The Play's the Thing
ENGL245 Film Form and Culture CINE245 ENGL245, CINE245 or FILM245
ENGL251 Detective Fiction
ENGL256 Fantasy Literature
ENGL257 Children's Literature
ENGL265 LGBTQ+ Literatures and Media LGBT265 ENGL265 or LGBT265
ENGL271 Writing Poems and Stories: An Introductory Workshop
ENGL272 Writing Fiction: A Beginning Workshop
ENGL273 Writing Poetry: A Beginning Workshop
ENGL275 Scriptwriting for Theater, Film, and Television ARHU275 ENGL275 or ARHU275
ENGL289G Special Topics in English; Machine Learning in Language and Art ARHU299M and COMM298M ARHU299M, COMM298M, or ENGL289G
ENGL295 Introduction to Digital Storytelling and Poetics
ENGL310 Medieval and Renaissance British Literature
ENGL311 British Literature from 1600 to 1800
ENGL368F Special Topics in African American, African, and African Diaspora Literatures; Angela Davis AASP398U, AMST328B, and WGSS379U AASP398U, AMST328B, ENGL368F, and WGSS379U
ENGL375 J.R.R. Tolkien: Middle-earth and Beyond

French (FREN)

Course ID Number Course Name Cross-listed with (if applicable) Credit Only Grants for (if applicable)
FREN243 Masterpieces in French and Francophone Cinemas

German Studies (GERS)

Course ID Number Course Name Cross-listed with (if applicable) Credit Only Grants for (if applicable)
GERS367 The Great Derangement: Climate, Art, and Literature CMLT399E GERM399E, CMLT399E, or GERS367
GERS378A Special Topics in German Studies; The Rise of German Fascism
GERS458C Literary or Media Genres; New German Cinema CINE429N and GERS689N CINE429N, GERS458C, or GERS689N

History (HIST)

Course ID Number Course Name Cross-listed with (if applicable) Credit Only Grants for (if applicable)
HIST110 The Ancient World
HIST111 The Medieval World
HIST319F Special Topics in History; Modern African History through Film, Literature, and Music
HIST324 Classical Greece
HIST328J Selected Topics in History; Transnational Neorealism CINE329A HIST328J or CINE329A
HIST331 Europe in the High Middle Ages: 1000-1500 RELS341 HIST331 or RELS341

University Honors (UNUH)

Course ID Number Course Name Cross-listed with (if applicable) Credit Only Grants for (if applicable)
HNUH228C The Fiction of Fact: Science as Storytelling
HNUH228R The Picture of Health and Illness: Modern Medicine in Illustration

Immersive Media Design (IMDM)

Course ID Number Course Name Cross-listed with (if applicable) Credit Only Grants for (if applicable)
IMDM101 Introduction to Immersive Media CMSC101 or IMDM101
IMDM127 Creative Coding for Digital Media IMDM127 or CMSC125

Information Studies (INST)

Course ID Number Course Name Cross-listed with (if applicable) Credit Only Grants for (if applicable)
INST104 Design Across Campus
INST728B Special Topics in Information Studies; Music Encoding for Preservation & Research

Italian (ITAL)

Course ID Number Course Name Cross-listed with (if applicable) Credit Only Grants for (if applicable)
ITAL436 Italian Cinema I: Neorealism CINE441 CINE441, FILM441 or ITAL436

Journalism (JOUR)

Course ID Number Course Name Cross-listed with (if applicable) Credit Only Grants for (if applicable)
JOUR150 Introduction to Mass Communication
JOUR152 Introduction to Storytelling with Code
JOUR334 Audio and Podcast Reporting
JOUR458V Special Topics in Journalism; The Power of the Writing Voice: Covering Celebrities, Art Exhibits, Concerts and Theatre

Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Studies (LGBT)

Course ID Number Course Name Cross-listed with (if applicable) Credit Only Grants for (if applicable)
LGBT265 LGBTQ+ Literatures and Media ENGL265 ENGL265 or LGBT265

School of Music (MUSC)

Course ID Number Course Name Cross-listed with (if applicable) Credit Only Grants for (if applicable)
MUSC102B Class Piano
MUSC106 Beginning Classical Guitar
MUSC140 Music Fundamentals I
MUSC204 Popular Music in Black America
MUSC205 History of Popular Music, 1950-Present
MUSC210 The Impact of Music on Life MUET210 or MUSC210
MUSC215 World Popular Musics and Identity MUET200 or MUSC215
MUSC448E Financial Entrepreneurship for Arts Leaders ARHU340 ARHU340 or MUSC448E.
MUSC484 Music in the Romantic Era
MUSC438G Area Studies in Ethnomusicology; Global Hip Hop

Persian (PERS)

Course ID Number Course Name Cross-listed with (if applicable) Credit Only Grants for (if applicable)
PERS280 Art Activism in Iran PERS289M, ARTH389O, or PERS280
PERS283 Iranian Cinema CINE283, FILM298B PERS283, CINE283 or FILM298B.
PERS398M Special Topics in Persian Studies; Mystical Love Poetry: East and West

Russian (RUSS)

Course ID Number Course Name Cross-listed with (if applicable) Credit Only Grants for (if applicable)
RUSS334 Soviet Film: Propaganda, Myth, Modernism CINE334 RUSS334, CINE334, or FILM334

Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies (TDPS)

Course ID Number Course Name Cross-listed with (if applicable) Credit Only Grants for (if applicable)
TDPS258C Special Topics in Introductory Performing Arts; Cultural Institutions in the United States ARHU240 TDPS258C or ARHU240
TDPS358T Special Topics in Intermediate Performing Arts; Technology for Performing Arts: Theory and Practice

Theatre (THET)

Course ID Number Course Name Cross-listed with (if applicable) Credit Only Grants for (if applicable)
THET110 Introduction to the Theatre
THET285 The Art of Communication and Presentation COMM107, COMM200, INAG110, JOUR130, or THET285
THET287 Subversive Cultures and Performance THET289I or THET287
THET293 Black Theatre and Performance I
THET328L Special Topics in Intermediate Theatre and Performance; Acting for Digital and Live Performance
THET328O Special Topics in Intermediate Theatre and Performance; Movement for the Actor

Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (WGSS)

Course ID Number Course Name Cross-listed with (if applicable) Credit Only Grants for (if applicable)
WGSS250 Introduction to WGSS: Art and Culture WMST250 or WGSS250
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