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A dancer on a dark stage examines a tiny robotic sensor.

Arts For All Spring 2024 ArtsAMP Grants

Arts for All is pleased to announce the spring 2024 round of ArtsAMPlification grants for faculty and students to fund a variety of activities. If you have questions or would like feedback on your project, please contact us at arts@umd.eduGrant applications are due April 19, 2024 at 5PM. 

As you prepare proposals for these funding opportunities, please remember that Arts for All is a campus-wide initiative that seeks to: 1) make the arts at the University of Maryland increasingly accessible to—and representative of—all students, 2) connect the arts to technology and other disciplines, especially the sciences, and 3) ensure that the arts are meaningfully engaged with issues of social justice and the grand challenges of our time. Proposals that center these priorities have the highest chance of success. 

Interested in seeing previously successful grant winners? Click here!


  • Applications open: Friday, March 22, 2024
  • Applications deadline: Friday, April 19, 2024, 5:00 pm EST
  • Notifications made by May 1, 2024
  • The University of Maryland is home to a number of makerspaces as part of UMD’s Makerspace Initiative. A complete list of makerspaces can be found at  Please note, The Clarice has limited access and availability to support grant recipient activities.
  • Projects may only be proposed for one funding opportunity.
  • Funds must be used within one year of award receipt.
  • Arts for All is interested in continuing to support grant recipients in a variety of ways. Grant recipients should expect regular follow-up from a member of the Arts for All team to learn how we can best support your funded activities and bring attention to your work.
  • A final report will be due at the conclusion of the grant period and that final report will require an accounting of expenditures.


What is Quantum?

The Arts for All and Capital of Quantum strategic initiatives are two of the Five Bold Actions announced by Dr. Darryll J. Pines when he was invested as the 34th President of the University of Maryland (UMD) on April 22, 2021. To increase the connectivity between these two initiatives and encourage meaningful collaborations between members of the arts community and UMD’s quantum ecosystem, the Division of Research is pleased to announce the Quantum & Arts Supplemental Seed Grant program. This program will augment the Arts For All initiative’s 2024 ArtsAMPlification Grants with matching funds for eligible ArtsAMP grants that focus on quantum.

This supplemental program reinforces ArtsAMP priorities with a focus on quantum, supporting art-centric projects that:

  1. Help to make quantum science and technology more approachable and accessible 

  2. Examine the role of quantum technologies in addressing the world’s grand challenges

  3. Imbue creativity, community-building and community-transformation into the development and transition of these technologies

  4. Increase the on- and off-campus impact and visibility of UMD and College Park as the Capital of Quantum

In addition, UMD is a primary sponsor of the Quantum World Congress (QWC), which attracts a large gathering of leading domestic and international quantum technologists and policy-makers to the region. The Q&A Supplemental therefore seeks to encourage the development of a portfolio of relevant arts projects that can be showcased in College Park in conjunction with the QWC in Fall 2025.


The Q&A Supplemental process is designed to provide matching funds to ArtsAMP awards, so applications must be submitted through the ArtsAMP program portal by April 19, 2024, and will be evaluated through the ArtsAMP standard process. Applicants should follow all guidance on the portal for standard ArtsAMP proposals, with these additions/exceptions:

  1. Applicants must clearly identify that you are seeking a Q&A award and justify how the effort qualifies as a quantum-focused effort.
  2. All Q&A proposals must identify an eligible faculty PI. Division of Research funding cannot be transferred directly to students or general departmental accounts, so student program applications must identify a confirmed faculty mentor who will serve as a PI. Eligible PIs include any full-time member of UMD’s tenure-track, professional-track or librarian faculty, including adjunct or visiting researchers who have been authorized by their home department to serve as PI on external awards. 
  3. With the 1:1 matching funds from the Division of Research to supplement quantum-related projects in any of the ArtsAMP programs, we hope to encourage more quantum-focused applicants, but applicants may also propose larger projects that run through September 2025; award maximums are double those listed on the portal for standard ArtsAMP programs. For these larger, Q&A Supplemental awards, summer salary is an allowable expense.


The Q&A Supplemental Seed program encourages our scholars to reach out to each other to explore interdisciplinary discussions and teaming that centers on the arts. Many of UMD’s 200+ quantum researchers can be identified by clicking through to the directories for the various units highlighted at If you need assistance getting started or facilitating an introduction, you may reach out to the strategic initiative leads, Craig Kier ( and John Sawyer (

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